Sunday, January 4, 2009

My little Brother, Brodie

I love his Testimony! unfortunatly its taking a very very long time to upload the video of his testimony but heres a bit about him.

He is 11 years old and he truly amazes me, an incredibly talented handsome guy.

The thing that blows me away about my brother is that he is confident, he is Confident in God, he is bold, he faces his fears

I love how God is molding him and I love how he is willing to do whatever God tells him to do his obedience and submission. I always remember him from a very Young age that he has been never ashamed of Jesus, never ashamed to tell people, even to strangers on the street. He really is an amazing a person of Integrity.

I love the gifts and talents God has placed in his life he has such an amazing gift of evangelism, anyone that has met him knows what I mean. He's never shy and loves to talk, he always talks about his passions in life, he constantly stirs up his passion.

I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in his life, I have complete confidence in him because I know that God has began a good, GREAT work in him and its still to be completed! Phil 1:6I

it isn't over for him God has so much more! I know that he will be a man after God's heart, and he already is.

I love how you can hear him a mile away! seriously you can, I love the story that Pastor Craig tells about my brother when we house sat for the Powell's next door to them, The Millar's thought that my brother was playing with a whole bunch of kids when in fact it was only himself, and I know that the girls were pretty freaked out by him :)

I love how he is loud, I see visions of him at the front of a battle running towards the enemy,fearless and yelling 'devil you won't defeat me'. He has yelled this while playing with his swords.

He pours out unconditional love towards anyone and will make friends with almost anyone in any place. he will make you laugh, even though he tells the worst jokes ever and can be kinda weird sometimes, he still makes anyone especially me laugh.

Best of all, He makes me breakfast! i'm blessed!

I love my Brother so much and I'm so proud to be his Sister

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