Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I will go as long as your presence goes with me

‘I will go as long as your presence goes with me and doesn’t leave me’
- I’ve been repeating these words in prayer for a while now

I have been here in Canada for over a year now and I’m proud to call this place home. My heart is here., I love this place, I love the people really my heart is here.
So my lovely mother in Scotland really misses me and wanted to surprise me with a ticket to come back home for a visit.
I got the surprise to find out I will be in Scotland for 2 months!…….. And my reaction……..I wasn’t too thrilled.
You know its amazing how God can Transform you, and renew your spirit I honestly feel washed clean, squeaky clean from the person I used to be.
Living in Scotland really brought out the worst in me and I definitely wasn’t living the life that God intended for me.

So For some time now since I found out I was going back to Scotland for 2 months I have pretty much been dreading it. I’m nervous, I’m worried and unsure what to expect.
I have been nothing but negative about going apart from the fact of seeing my wonderful family.
But I’ve come to find that God’s presence will go with me no matter where and as long and he is there to guide me I’m going to be okay J phew! Big relief to know.
I definitely cant walk this walk without God its too hard I can’t imagine my life without God out of the picture. For me that’s insane why would you CHOOSE to do that.
So it may not be easy going and I’m not going to be surrounded by as many amazing wonderful people that I have here in Canada in my church. But God has a plan.. im not really sure what that plan is yet but I will find out when I get there.

Take a deep breath Becka, and go!
Go because no matter what God is not going to leave me he is beside me he is my BANNER,
Jehovah Nissi- the lord is my banner he will direct me J

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